Maria Sawada Bognar Web Designer/Graphic Designer/Web Developer logo Maria Sawada Bognar Web Designer/Graphic Designer/Web Developer logo



Charlie's Hair Studio website

My role: Website Design, Video Editing and Web Development
Used software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier Pro and Wordpress
Used language: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP

I created this website in December 2022 as my first freelance job. I had an interview with the hair salon manager Charlie and asked throughly about their audiences and business. Charlie told me that his new customers often struggle to find his hair salon, so I suggested to make videos which clearly show directions to his salon. Charlie liked the idea and filmed videos himself. I edited them with Adobe Premier Pro adding subsitles. You can watch the videos via the links on thier home page.

When I made this website, I felt SEO must be very important for success of their business so I read a book on SEO "3 months to No.1" by Will Combre and installed on-page and off-page SEO.

To design their website, I wanted to express their salon's comfortableness, friendliness and trustfullness through this website as I'm one of their customers who admire their high-level hairdressing skills and hospitality. I avoided using lots of colours and tried to make natural and comfortable atmosphere. Their original preference of colours were pale brown and grey, but I added a little strong brown colour in order to make buttons appealing and make enough contrust from other parts.

I installed a free plugin called Salon Booking System as they were using a third party booking system which are not for free.

I used Elementor plugin as the client wanted to edit the content constantly.

To make a website as a freelance was a very big step for me. I'm grateful to Charlie who trusted me and gave me the opportunity to make their website.

Green Ummah website

My role: Website Design and Web Development
Used software: Adobe Photoshop and Wordpress
Used language: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP

*This website is still in development phase*
The client is a non-profit Canadian-based Muslim organization engaged in building a green future. They had their own website already but not well organised as they often add new pages and contents. They wanted modern and refreshing look. After my initial research including their competitors and their industry, I reorganised their website's information and structure, and created design mockups for each pages using photoshop.

They already had a new company logo so I picked up a green colour from their logo, and an yellow colour for mainly buttons. I tried to express their environmentally-friendly spirit by buttons which colour changes from yellow to green everytime they are hovered.

Smart Web Design website

My role: Website Design and Web Development
Used software: Photoshop, Illustrator and WordPress
Used language: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP

I made this new WordPress-based website in 2022 for the company I've been working for.

Target audience is 35-60s, mostly men, can be women, who own/start business and need to create new website or update/improve their existing website. I set the goal of the website as to generate new leads/clients, and to support the goal I set sub goal as to attract new leads/clients.

Also I researched about what lead/client usually concerns:
What do they (leads/clients) care?
- If the agency is trustworthy to work with in a long term
What do they want?
- Website which looks great, effective and attractive
What are they concerned about?
- If they can make good changes
- If the agency understands their business
- If they can make a website of secure/effective/good SEO/conversion-optimised/user-friendly/Ecommerce functionality
- How long it would take
- How much it would cost

TraiNerds website

My role: Website Design, Video Editing and Web Development
Used software: Illustrator, Photoshop and WordPress

I made this WordPress-based website as a skill test for a company in 2022. I chose Astra WooCommerce theme.
I set the goal of the website as an increase in sales, to support the goal I set sub goal as make existing customers visit the website more often because return customers tend to make more purchases than new customers. Target audience is between 20-40s adult men/women in the UK who like sports and training.

- I changed the place of texts on the hero image depending on the device screen size.
- To make customers visit the website more often, I displayed New Arrivals in the first place of header.
- I chose the word trainers because it seems the most suitable for people living in the UK (I researched on it using Google Trends).


Logo and Business Card design for Take Off Co Ltd

Used software: Illustrator

This logo was designed for a new consulting company in Japan in 2020. I won the logo competition which had been held for designers who had design experiences less than two years. As an extra prise, I designed their business cards as well.

The letters which are greatly cut and written like a cipher code, express that noticing the problems and rules that many people do not notice and solving their clients' problems from a unique perspective. I got the inspiration from Rosetta Stone in British Museum I had visited a month before.

This logo represents boldness, courage, curiosity and intellect.

The blank spaces connected in the middle of each letter represent the runway where the plane will "take off" as their company name, meaning that they will be on the right path with their clients in their own way.

The orange colour, as an accent colour, is an image of runway lights, fire and flames representing their wisdom, knowledge, inspiration and passion.

Social Media

Banners & Icons

Banners for Performance Work Clothing

Used software: Photoshop

These banners were made for the home page of Performance Work Clothing between 2022 and 2023.
These banners were required to be made on a monthly basis which allowed me to research and prepare designs suitable for the website and also made sure it has uniqueness in each design.

An icon for Kwiktapes

Used software: Illustrator

This icon was made as a link on the home page of Kwiktapes. I used a little blue colour to emphasise their brand blue colour and make the icon especially made for Kwiktapes.

Recipe Banners for Japanese mobile phone users

Used software: Photoshop, sometimes Illustrator as well

These banners were made as links for recipe pages in dmenu. The website called dmenu is a web portal for NTT docomo's mobile phone users. It has 57 million monthly active users, and 3 billion monthly page views as of 2018.
Basically dmenu is family-friendly and used by people of all ages so I tried to use bright and cheerful tones to fit dmenu pages. To make the foods on the banners look delicious, I made the foods look brighter and fresh, and used the colours which brings the foods out.


Feel free to contact me!
You can email me with either Japanese or English language for any queries.